Kohler’s disease : Osteonecrosis of navicular bone in childhood

  • Osteonecrosis of navicular bone
  • 3 ~ 7 yr, Earlier onset of the disease : less or no sequelae
  • boy > girl
  • Mild pain, tenderness, swelling, limitation of motion
    • Bilaterality
  • Flattening, sclerosis, wafer-like shape, fragmentation of navicular bone, soft tissue edema, preserved joint space and articular cartilages
    • Sequelae (-) : regeneration, normalization
  • MR & US : Preserved articular cartilage
  • DDX : normal variant
Kohler's disease
Self-limiting and heals spontaneously with reossification and reconstitution within a few years
Kohler’s disease
Self-limiting and heals spontaneously with reossification and reconstitution within a few years
4 year-old boy presented with right foot pain
flattening and sclerotic change of right navicular bone suggesting Kohler's disease
4 year-old boy presented with right foot pain
flattening and sclerotic change of right navicular bone suggesting Kohler’s disease
4 year-old boy presented with right foot pain
flattening and sclerotic change of right navicular bone suggesting Kohler's disease
4 year-old boy presented with right foot pain
flattening and sclerotic change of right navicular bone suggesting Kohler’s disease
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