Blount’s disease radiology : Abnormal stress on posteromedial aspect of physis of proximal tibia

  • Abnormal stress on posteromedial aspect of physis of proximal tibia
  • Bowing and shortening of leg, pronated feet, obesity
  • Acute angulation and depression at proximal tibial metaphysis, with lateral widening of growth plate
  • Differential diagnosis
    • Physiologic bowing
      • Neonates and infants normally genu varus
      • Gradual correction: Fully corrected within 6 months of walking or by 18-24 months of age
    • Focal fibrocartilaginous dysplasia
Diagnostic imagine, 3rd, MSK
Blount disease
The medial growth plate is more vertically oriented and irregular than normal, resulting in a beak-like appearance of the proximal tibial metaphysis
Diagnostic imagine, 3rd, MSK
Blount disease
The medial growth plate is more vertically oriented and irregular than normal, resulting in a beak-like appearance of the proximal tibial metaphysis
 beak-like appearance of the proximal tibial metaphysis
beak-like appearance of the proximal tibial metaphysis
MR finding of Blount disease
Acute angulation and depression at proximal tibial metaphysis
MR finding of Blount disease
Acute angulation and depression at proximal tibial metaphysis
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