Normal uterine anatomy on ultrasound/MRI

Uterine anatomy on MRI

on T2WI
Endometrium – High
Junctional zone (inner myometrium) – Low
Outer myometrium – Intermediate (relatively high to junctional zone)
Cervix stroma – Low
  • What is junctional zone?
    • Junctional zone (JZ) is a hormone dependent zone located between the endometrium and myometrium passing through cyclical changes in its thickness
  • Why the junctional zone shows low signal intensity on T2WI
    • dense myocytes
    • large size nucleus
    • looser extracellular matrix
    • lower water content
  • Does the junctional zone enhances with contrast injection ?
    • On T1WI CE – no ehnacement
    • Dynamic contrast enhancement (DCE) : subendometrial enhancement (on early phase)
Uterine anatomy on MRI
Arrow : junctional zone
Left : T2WI
Right : DCE, subendometrial enhancement is seen on the image. the patient is diagnosed with endometrial cancer (FIGO 1A)

Uterine anatomy on TVUS (transvaginal ultrasound)

  1. Menstrual phase
    • Endometrium : Thin (less than 4mm), absent zonal appearance
    • Endometrial lining is seen as high echoic line on TVUS
  2. Proliferative phase
    • Late proliferative phase : Trilaminar appearance of endometrium
    • Innermost high echoic layer – mid low echoic layer = functional layer (influenced by hormone)
    • Outermost high echoic layer = basal layer (not influenced by hormonal change)
  3. Secretary phase
    • Endometrium : Most thickened on secretary phase (7~14mm) showing homogenously thickened hyperechoic endometrium
    • Myometrium : Increased signal intensity on T2WI
Midsagittal plane showing an immediate post-mentrual cycle thin endometrium
Midsagittal plane showing an immediate post-mentrual cycle thin endometrium on TVUS
Trilaminar endometrium under influence of increasing estradiol in the early proliferative phase
Trilaminar endometrium under influence of increasing estradiol in the early proliferative phase
Late proliferative phase endometrium with and accentuated trilaminar pattern (high-low-high)
Late proliferative phase endometrium with and accentuated trilaminar pattern (high-low-high)
Luteal phase (Secretary phase) endometrium showing a homogenously thickened hyperechoic stripe
Luteal phase (Secretary phase) endometrium showing a homogenously thickened hyperechoic stripe
Endometrial thickness depending on mentrual cycle
Endometrial thickness depending on mentrual cycle
Summary of TVUS: Menstrual cycle
Summary of TVUS: Menstrual cycle
Summary of TVUS: Menstrual cycle
Summary of TVUS: Menstrual cycle
  1. Menopause : Less than 5mm
  2. Menopause with HRT : Less than 10mm
  3. Oral contraceptive
    • Junctional zone, endometirum : thin
    • Myometrium : increased signal

See other posting about Genitourinary imaging

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