Solid pseudopapillary tumor, F/14, incidental found mass on APCT

Female / 14, Abdominal pain with diarrhea (2DA) Differential diagnosis should include solid pseudopapillary tumor(SPT), pancreatoblastoma, islet cell tumor (insulinoma) Firstly, pancreatoblastoma is frequently occured in boys less than 10 year-old and insulinoma is usually found in head of pancreas and shows vivid enhancement than normal pancreas parenchyma solid pseudopapillary tumor is more likely occurs … Read more

Focal fatty sparing of the liver: Well known mimicker of malignancy

Male / 67 years old, Incidental finding on medical screening Focal hypoechoic area just above of the IVC (collapsed due to compression of the probe) This is called ‘Focal fatty sparing of the liver’ This lesion is well known mimicker of malignancy such as metastasis or HCC The main cause of this lesions are aberrant … Read more