Medullary carcinoma of the breast: Breast cancer which mimics the benign one

  • Younger women than IDC NOS
  • More favorable prognosis
  • Could be misdiagnosed as ‘fibroadenoma’
  • Calcification – Rare

Imaging finding

  • MG : partially circumscribed mass, calcification rare
  • US : hypoechoic mass with posterior enhancement

Let’s see a case (33 year-old woman) from my hospital confirmed as medullary carcinoma in CNB

Medullary carcinoma mammography
Irregular obscured high density mass in upper outer quadrant of right breast

Medullary carcinoma ultrasound
Irregular microlobulared hypoechoic mass with vessels in rim
Note that the mass shows marked hypoechogenicity and prominent posterior enhancement
medullary carcinoma mri
Irregular heterogeneously enhancing mass found in right breast.
the mass has dark internal septations

breast medullary carcinoma specimen
breast specimen contains the mass

Other Circumscribed masses

Medullary carcinoma, Papillary carcinoma, Mucinous carcinoma ; High grade

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