Heterotopic gray matter radiology

** Neuronal migration disorder **

  • Heterotopia
    • Abnormal location of neurons
    • Seizure disorder
    • Isointense with gray matter
    • No mass effect, edema, or enhancement

Nodular heterotopias
– subependymal heterotopia: most common
– subcortical heterotopia

Subependymal heterotopia: most common
Subependymal heterotopia: most common
Typical subependymal heterotopia, nodular lesions which are iso-signal to grey matter along lateral ventricular wall are seen.
Typical subependymal heterotopia, nodular lesions which are iso-signal to grey matter along lateral ventricular wall are seen.
Subcortical heterotopia (swirling mass of gray matter)
Subcortical heterotopia (swirling mass of gray matter)

Diffuse heterotopias
band heterotopia: Now this entity is classified as a spectrum of lissencephaly
; also known as double cortex heterotopia and X-linked lissencephaly (chromosome Xq22.3)
; double cortex sign : thin interface of WM between the band heterotopia and the cortex

Band heterotopia, ectopic band-like gray matter at both cerebral subcortical white matter such as double cortex
Band heterotopia, ectopic band-like gray matter at both cerebral subcortical white matter such as double cortex

lissencephaly: types 1 and 2
; Cause : arreseted neuronal migration (4 layers, thicknormally 6 layers in brain!!)
; Definition (1) Agyria : complete lissencephlay (2) Pachygyria : incomplete lissencephaly
; Spectrum : Agyria – mixed agyria/pachygyria – pachygyria – subcortical band heterotopia

Imaging of lissencephaly
– smooth brain surface
– thick gray matter
– underdeveloped insula
– vertical orientation of sylvian fissure

diminished number of cortical sulci and thickening of cerebral cortex involving bilateral frontal and parietal lobes, lissencephaly.
diminished number of cortical sulci and thickening of cerebral cortex involving bilateral frontal and parietal lobes, lissencephaly. (T1WI)
Smooth thickened cortex and diminished white matter
High signal intensity bands are shown, cell sparse layer (T2WI)
Smooth thickened cortex and diminished white matter
High signal intensity bands are shown, cell sparse layer (T2WI)
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