Constrictive pericarditis : Why it should be differentiated with RCMP?

Fibrous or calcific constrictive thickening of the pericardium
Diastolic dysfunction (should be differentiated with RCMP)

May follow any type of pericardial effusion and may develop within two or three months of the effusion, or it may take years to develop.

Tbc pericarditis (m/c)
Post-operative pericarditis

Restrictive CMPConstrictive pericarditis
EtiologyAmyloidosis, Sarcoidosis…Tuberculosis…
Myocardial wall thickening++±
Pericardial wall thickening±++ (> 4 mm)
MRI findingGlobal or Multiple patchy enhancement
Combined MR, TR
No myocardial enhance,
Pericardial enhancement and calcification
Paradoxical septal motion

Important to distinguish
– constrictive pericarditis might benefit from pericardial stripping, whereas those with restrictive disease would not!

Pericardial thickening (> 4 mm) & calcification
limited to the right side of the heart
– smaller area such as the right AV groove

Neither pericardial thickening nor calcification is diagnostic of constrictive pericarditis
– patient should has symptoms of heart failure

Constrictive pericarditis
Constrictive pericarditis
Square root sign in constrictive pericarditis
Square root sign in constrictive pericarditis
Image from American college of cardiology
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