Today’s case 1 – TACE (transarterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma)

TACE for HCC patient Today’s case -1– 69 year old patient with HCC, the patient have had RFA once and SABR to S8 marginal recurrence (‘21.9.23.- ‘21.10.5.). On follow up Liver CT, a nodular lesion is identifed which shows APHE and delayed washout. The patient refered to angio room for TACE I punctured the patient’s … Read more

Azygoesophageal branch of inferior phrenic artery (angiographic anatomy)

Azygoesophageal branch of inferior phrenic artery Azygoesophageal branch of IPA runs along azygoesophageal recess and reaches posterior lung base making typical U shape. Azygoesophageal branch of IPA almost always has a systemic-to-pulmonary shunt and is shown at cone-beam CT in about one-half of patients This branch seems to suppply the pleura of the lung base … Read more

Coil Assisted Retrograde Transvenous Obliteration (CARTO): Treatment of variceal bleeding with interventional procedure (CARTO)

CARTO A 50 year-old female patient presented E.R with hematemesis. Urgent endoscopy was done. See below. Unfortunately the the patient’s Hemoglobin was not recovered to normal range until 3 days after the procedure and had recurrent melena. So we planned interventional procedure by reviewing previous CT scan. The hemoglobin normalized just one day after the … Read more