Borderline and high risk lesions in Breast

A. High risk lesions

  • 1) Atypical ductal hyperplasia
    • Location: terminal duct lobular unit and terminal duct
    • Proliferation of evenly distributed, monomorphic cells
    • Appropriate management: surgical excision
  • 2) Lobular neoplasia
    • Atypical lobular hyperplasia
    • Lobular carcinoma in situ

B. Borderline lesions

  • 1) Atypical papilloma, Papillary lesion
    • Risk and management
      • Central < Peripheral < Atypical papilloma
    • Benign papilloma ; variable, but surgical excision in case with larger size and peripheral location
    • atypical papilloma : 7 times higher risk and surgical excision is needed
    • Imaging finding * MG ➜ US ➜ Ductography
  • 2) Radial scar
    • Idiopathic, not related to prior surgery or trauma
    • Fibroelastic core with entrapped ducts and surrounding radiating ducts and lobules
    • Surgical excision
    • Imgaing finding
      • MG – asymmetric density or architectural distortion with central translucent area / spiculation with central lucency
      • US – irregular hypoechoic mass with strong posterior acoustic shadowing
  • 3) Mucocele like lesion
    • Multiple cysts containing mucin with extravasation into the stroma
    • Imaging finding
      • MG – isodense mass with or without calcification
      • US – Ill-defined aggregated cysts and distended ducts with or without mural calcification
    • Excisional biopsy is required
  • 4) Phyllodes tumor
  • 5) Flat epithelial atypia (Columnar cell lesion with atypia)
    • Normal breast are consisted with cuboid cell and the cells changes into columnar cell, this process is called columnar cell change
    • Columnar cell change itself is not harm, but with atypia is its called flat epithelial atypia (Need excision)
    • Imaging findings
      • MG – Amorphous (65%), coarese heterogenous, finer pleomorphic, grouped
  • 6) Sclerosing adenosis with atypia

Radial scar – spiculation with central lucency
Intraductal papilloma – dilated duct with intraductal mass
40/F with unilateral spontaneous bloody nipple discharge papilloma – complex solid and cystic mass
Mucocele like lesion
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