Normal uterine anatomy on ultrasound/MRI

Uterine anatomy on MRI

on T2WI
Endometrium – High
Junctional zone (inner myometrium) – Low
Outer myometrium – Intermediate (relatively high to junctional zone)
Cervix stroma – Low
  • What is junctional zone?
    • Junctional zone (JZ) is a hormone dependent zone located between the endometrium and myometrium passing through cyclical changes in its thickness
  • Why the junctional zone shows low signal intensity on T2WI
    • dense myocytes
    • large size nucleus
    • looser extracellular matrix
    • lower water content
  • Does the junctional zone enhances with contrast injection ?
    • On T1WI CE – no ehnacement
    • Dynamic contrast enhancement (DCE) : subendometrial enhancement (on early phase)
Arrow : junctional zone
Left : T2WI
Right : DCE, subendometrial enhancement is seen on the image. the patient is diagnosed with endometrial cancer (FIGO 1A)

Uterine anatomy on TVUS (transvaginal ultrasound)

  1. Menstrual phase
    • Endometrium : Thin (less than 4mm), absent zonal appearance
    • Endometrial lining is seen as high echoic line on TVUS
  2. Proliferative phase
    • Late proliferative phase : Trilaminar appearance of endometrium
    • Innermost high echoic layer – mid low echoic layer = functional layer (influenced by hormone)
    • Outermost high echoic layer = basal layer (not influenced by hormonal change)
  3. Secretary phase
    • Endometrium : Most thickened on secretary phase (7~14mm) showing homogenously thickened hyperechoic endometrium
    • Myometrium : Increased signal intensity on T2WI
Midsagittal plane showing an immediate post-mentrual cycle thin endometrium on TVUS
Trilaminar endometrium under influence of increasing estradiol in the early proliferative phase
Late proliferative phase endometrium with and accentuated trilaminar pattern (high-low-high)
Luteal phase (Secretary phase) endometrium showing a homogenously thickened hyperechoic stripe
Endometrial thickness depending on mentrual cycle
Summary of TVUS: Menstrual cycle
Summary of TVUS: Menstrual cycle
  1. Menopause : Less than 5mm
  2. Menopause with HRT : Less than 10mm
  3. Oral contraceptive
    • Junctional zone, endometirum : thin
    • Myometrium : increased signal

See other posting about Genitourinary imaging

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