Transposition of the great arteries (cc-TGA)

Cyanotic congenital heart disease with increased pulmonary blood flow
(1-2) L-transposition of the great arteries (Congenitally corrected TGA, L-TGA)

Classified as {S, L, L} in segmental sequential analysis and there is no cyanosis in this disease on birth (due to its hemodynamically normal condition without cardiac anomaly).

Normal heart versus congenitally corrected TGA

Blood flow in congenitally corrected TGA
– Systemic circulation ➔ Right atrium ➔ Left ventricle ➔ Pulmonary circulation ➔ Left atrium ➔ Right ventricle ➔ Systemic circulation …

The definition of congenitally corrected TGA

Congenitallcy corrected TGA (also called as L-transposition of the great arteries, L-TGA) is a spectrum of cardiac malformations where the atrial chambers are joined to morphologically inappropriate ventricles, and the ventricles then give rise to morphologically inappropriate arterial trunks.

ccTGA (L-TGA), the aortic valve is anterior to the pulmonic valve
In ccTGA (as well as D-TGA), the pulmonary artery and the aorta take a parallel course, in contrast to the crossing configuration seen in the normal heart.

Find morphological RV in imaging to diagnose ccTGA

The RV can be recognized by its coarse trabeculated myocardium, the moderator band, the presence of septal attachments for the papillary muscles, and more apically displaced insertion of the AV valve on the interventricular septum.

At the level of the ventricles, the mRV is to the left of the mLV. Note the thick trabeculae (black arrows) of the mRV, which are even more hypertrophied because of mRV functioning at systemic pressures. Dextrocardia (the cardiac apex pointing to the right) is also present

Treatment of ccTGA

(1) Pulmonary artery banding : to reduce the pulmonary blood flow
(2) LV to PA conduit : when pulmonary stenosis exists
(3) Double switch operation : atrial switch and arterial switch

congenitally corrected TGA
congenitally corrected TGA
(a) Coronal MR angiogram (MRA) image of the heart from a woman with L-TGA.
Note the parallel course of the pulmonary artery (black arrow) and the aorta (white arrow). Contrast this with (b), which is a coronal MRA image of a normal heart. Note the crossing pattern of the aorta (white arrow) and the pulmonary artery (dotted black arrow), which crosses posterior to the plane of this image.
Left) Aorta placed in front of pulmonary trunk
Right) Morphologic RV is located in left side

Charles S. White, Linda B. Haramati, Joseph Jen-Sho Chen, and Jeffrey M. Levsky (2014), Cardiac Imaging, Oxford university press

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