Sequential segmental analysis

1. Atrial situs : SIA
Situs Solitus (Normal)
Situs Inversus (usually with Mirror Image Dextrocardia)
– Left-right reversal of the cardiac chambers coupled with a right sided stomach, right apex, and usually right arch.
– A slightly increased risk (3-5%) of congenital heart disease (Most commonly corrected transposition)
– Patients with Kartagener’s syndrome (Situs inversus with mirror image dextrocardia)
Situs Indeterminatus (or situs ambiguous or heterotaxia)
– Abnormal arrangement of the organs and vessels.
– Stomach and liver are typically midline
– Asplenia or polysplenia
– Congenital heart disease occurs in 50-100% of cases.

2. Ventricular loop (D/L-loop)

Septomarginal trabeculation – morphologic right ventricle
IF the septomarginal trabeculation is located in right side ? = D-loop
IF the septomarginal trabeculation is located in left side ? = L-loop

3. Great artery relationship (SIDL)

Solitus, Inversus, D-transposition, L-transposition

Diagram and axial CT images demonstrating the relative positions of the aortic (red and A) and pulmonic (blue and P) trunks on axial images in four scenarios. In the normal heart, the pulmonary artery is anterior and to the right (bottom left)

Charles S. White, Linda B. Haramati, Joseph Jen-Sho Chen, and Jeffrey M. Levsky (2014), Cardiac Imaging, Oxford university press

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