

C.C.> Rt thigh mass (2MA)

Infiltrative deep subcutaneous soft tissue mass in the right postero-medial proximal thigh.
– 3.5 x 1.9 x 3.3 cm
– T2 high, T1 heterogeneous high~isointense SI
– closely abutting the nearby deep superficial fascia, but no direct intramuscular tumor invasion into the adductor longus and gracilis muscles.
– localized thickening of the overlying skin
– very dirty fat stranding (+)
– showing heterogeneous avid contrast enhancement
– DWI/ADC: marked diffusion restriction (+)

About 4.1×1.1×1.5cm sized heterogeneous echogenic mass at subcutaneous layer of LLQ, patient’s palpable area
– increased vascularity
– not compressible
– no tenderness
– similar morphology with thigh mass

General DescriptionSarcoidosis: Systemic granulomatous inflammatory disorder
Muscle LesionsOccur in 50-80% of sarcoidosis patients; symptomatic in only 0.5-2.5%
Types of Muscular Sarcoidosis
Chronic Sarcoidosis MyopathyMost common (86%), CT/MRI usually normal, occasional muscle atrophy with fatty degeneration
Acute Sarcoidosis MyositisSymmetrical proximal myalgia, MRI may be normal, can progress to muscle contractures with hypertrophy
Nodular Sarcoid MyositisMultiple muscle nodules, preferentially located in lower limbs
Imaging Features of Nodular Sarcoidal Myopathy
USG (Ultrasound)Nodules with hyperechoic center and hypoechoic periphery compared to adjacent muscles
MR (Magnetic Resonance)Often at musculotendinous (MT) junction, multiple, bilateral, lower extremity (most common)
Dark Star Appearance (Axial): Bright rim with internal low signal intensity (SI) at T2WI and T1WI-CE
Three Stripe Sign (Coronal/Sagittal): Inner decreased SI and outer stipple of high SI
Pathology CorrelationCentral area: Sarcoid nodule, dense fibrotic tissue; Outer area: Active inflammatory granuloma with epithelioid cells

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