Today’s case 10 – Post traumatic high flow priapism

Interventional treatment for post traumatic high flow priapism

  • Characteristic CT finding
  • Angiographic finding
  • Embolization technique preventing complication

The patient reported that he fell down, hitting his buttocks on the floor after slipping off the edge of a chair at home. Approximately two hours later, while undressing to shower, he discovered blood on his underwear and observed hematuria during urination, prompting a visit to the emergency room. The patient states that he is not experiencing any pain.

The patient’s penis was not erect, but showed signs of swelling.

The urologist tentatively diagnosed the condition as nonischemic priapism and requested that diagnostic angiography be performed in the angioroom, followed by any necessary treatment.

CT scan of the patient, Prominent enhancement of both sides of corpus cavernosum was observed suggesting high flow priapism녹화_2023_11_10_10_15_05_767.mp4
On delay phase of pelvic aortography, abnormal hypervascularity was observed at both sides of corpus carvenosum녹화_2023_11_10_10_30_56_951.mp4
Abnormal hypervascularity was observed at a branch of dorsal penile artery (LAO40′, Lt. internal iliac angiography)녹화_2023_11_10_10_32_45_955.mp4
Selective angiography was performed at dorsal penile artery using 1.7F microcatheter (progreat(lambda) 1.7F, 110cm). Abnormal hypervascularity was observed from the artery.

The selection of the culprit artery has been completed, and treatment now needs to be initiated. However, as it involves the dorsal penile artery, there is a risk of complications such as penile necrosis if embolic material overflows during treatment and inadvertently embolizes unintended vessels, as noted in the excerpt from the journal below.

We selected Eg-gel 2000-4000um (Engain) as embolic material for the treatment

Therefore, a somewhat novel method of embolization was decided upon. The concept involves using a gelfoam particle as a plug. First, the culprit artery is superselected, and the microcatheter is flushed with saline. Next, a sufficiently large gelfoam particle is mixed with contrast agent using forceps, ensuring only one particle is used. Then, this single gelfoam particle mixed with the contrast agent is placed at the entrance of the microcatheter. After confirming the proper positioning of the gelfoam particle at the microcatheter entrance, it is pushed in using a 1cc syringe filled with contrast agent. Once the culprit artery is embolized by the gelfoam particle, even if the contrast agent overflows, the use of only one particle ensures that no other vessels are obstructed.

A single branch was embolized by gelfoam particle.
Unlike the approach of mixing numerous gelfoam particles with contrast as usual, there is no concern about contrast overflow in this method. This is because only a single gelfoam particle is used.
In the video showing the administration of the gelfoam particle, you can see the gelfoam coming out followed by an overflow of the contrast agent.
In the follow-up angiography, it was confirmed that only the culprit artery was successfully embolized.

The right side was treated in the same way as the left side.
The right side was treated in the same way as the left side.녹화_2023_11_10_11_30_34_971.mp4
In the final pelvic aortography, there was a reduction in the hypervascularity that was previously observed in the corpus cavernosum.
In reality, some minor hypervascularity remained, but due to concerns about potential complications, it was decided to not treat it further and to observe its progress.



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