OHVIRA syndrome (obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly)

Patient history
– An 18 year-old female came to hospital due to amenorrhea with lower abdominal pain.
the patient had menarche at 13 year-old, but since 14 year-old she had no menstruation.

TA-USG> 94*89 mm septated hypoechoic mass in pelvic cavity
Large amount of hematoma at left sided uterus and left upper vagina(Hematometrocolpos) with obstructed hemivagina and nonvisualization of left kidney
Large amount of hematoma at left sided uterus and left upper vagina(Hematometrocolpos) with obstructed hemivagina and nonvisualization of left kidney
Axial CT scan shows normal undilated right side uterus and blood filled left side uterus (hematometrocolpos)

Mullerian duct anomaly

– From arrest of normal progression during various development of female genital tract
– 1-5% of prevalance
– Commonly asscociated with renal anomaly
(renal agenesis, ectopia, hypoplasia …)

Female genital tract development into 3 stages
Ductal development – Nondevelopment
Ductal fusion – Nonfusion
Septal degeneration – Nondegeneration
Female genital tract development into 3 stages
Ductal development – Nondevelopment
Ductal fusion – Nonfusion
Septal degeneration – Nondegeneration

Female genital tract development

1) Ductal development
– Undifferentiated gonads with idential paired genital ducts (Wolffian & Mullerian duct)
– Absence of Y chromosome → Differentiation into ovary
Estrogenic effect : Mullerian duct development & Wolffian duct degeneration

1-1) Nondevelopment
– Unicornuate uterus
– Rudimentary horn
– Hypoplasia/agenesis of uterus, cervix, or vagina

2) Ductal fusion
– Caudal mullerian duct fusion with intervening septum
→ Forming corpus of uterus, cervix, and upper vagina
– Upper mullerian duct form fallopian tube

2-1) Nonfusion
– Uterine didelphys
– Bicornuate uterus

3) Septal degeneration
– Degeneration of fused margin of mullerian duct
– Canalization of vaginal plate

3-1) Nondegeneration
– Uterine/vaginal septa
  Longitudinal / Transverse septa
– Arcuate uterus

4) Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome
OHVIRA syndrome
(= Obstructed hemivagina – ipsilateral renal agenesis)

Uterine didelphys → Complete failure of mullerian duct fusion
+ Unilateral hemivaginal septum → obsturction with hematocolpus
+ Ipsilateral renal agenesis

OHVIRA syndrome

Clinical manifestation of OHVIRA syndrome

Cyclic pelvic pain with regular menses from unobstructed side
Increased prevalence of endometriosis, pelvic adhesion

Imaging feature of OHVIRA syndrome

US: Uterine fundal cleft > 1cm (100% sensitivity & specificity)
MR :
1. The presence of unilateral obstructed hemivaginal septum
2. Unilateral obstructing distended hemivaginal horn

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AJR 2012; 198:302–310
Pediatr Radiol (2007) 37:657–665

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