Rapid deadly infection : Necrotizing fasciitis with CT and MRI photos

Necrotizing fasciitis

What is necrotizing fasciitis ?

Necrotizing fasciitis is a serious and potentially life-threatening infection that affects the deep layers of the skin and the tissue underneath, called the fascia. It is also sometimes referred to as “flesh-eating bacteria” because of the rapid destruction of tissue that it can cause.

  • Characteristics of necrotizing fasciitis
    • Monomicrobial (Group A streptococcus) or polymicrobial
    • Rapid progression
    • Pain disproportionate to degree of swelling
    • Sepsis

  • MRI finding of necrotizing fasciitis
    • extensive involvement of the deep intermuscular fascia, not just the area contiguous to the deep peripheral fascia
    • thickening of fascia measuring 3mm or more at STIR or FS T2WI
    • involvement of three or more compartments
    • low signal intensity with FS T2WI in the deep fascia with corresponding nonenhancement after Gd (+)

Necrotizing fasciitis involving lower leg, MR
CT finding of necrotizing fasciitis multiple air densities along anterior compartement of elbow

Treatment of necrotizing fasciitis

Treatment for necrotizing fasciitis typically involves a combination of surgery to remove the infected tissue and antibiotic medication to kill the bacteria causing the infection. In severe cases, multiple surgeries may be necessary to fully remove all of the infected tissue.
It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible if you suspect that you may have necrotizing fasciitis, as early treatment can greatly improve the chances of a full recovery.
If you are experiencing symptoms such as sudden and severe pain, redness or swelling, fever, or difficulty moving a limb, you should contact a healthcare provider right away.

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