Multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK)

  • The most common cause of abdominal mass in newborns and the most common cystic malformation of the kidney in infancy
  • A severe form of nonhereditary dysplasia, which is mostly due to pelvoinfundibular atresia during renal development
  • Multiple noncommunicating renal cysts with an intervening echogenic dysplastic parenchyma
  • No functioning renal parenchyma and no central renal pelvis in the affected kidney
  • Radionuclide imaging(DMSA renal scintigraphy) might be used to further differentiate the hydronephrotic form of MCDK from an obstruction in a functioning kidney
  • Mostly unilateral but may be bilateral(fatal) or segmental.

Multicystic kidney disease (MCDK)
Multicystic dysplastic kidney in a 1-month-old girl.
( a ) Longitudinal US of the right kidney shows multiple cysts without normal renal parenchyma.
( b ) An anterior view of DMSA renal scintigraphy shows no uptake of radioisotopes in the right kidney.
( c ) Two years later, most of the cysts have decreased in size and number with the exception of a large cyst in the lower pole


Radiology Illustrated: Pediatric Radiology, Springer; 2014th edition

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