Kaposi sarcoma

Male / 39, Chief complaint : chest discomfort
Diagnosed with AIDS

1) consolidative hazziness at both upper lung field
2) aggravation of consolidation in both upper lung field with newly appeared cavitary change

3) Chest CT on same day, bilateral consolidation with cavitary change , multiple ill defined centrilobular nodules around the consolidations
  • Bilateral and symmetric ill-defined nodules in a peribronchovascular distribution (flame-shaped lesions) usually exceeding 1cm in diameter.
  • Peribronchovascular and interlobular septal thickening
  • Alveolar hemorrhage
  • GGA may be seen surrounding the nodules (“halo sign”)

The patient diagnosed as Kaposi sarcoma

Kaposi sarcoma is…

A low-grade vascular tumor

The most common tumor among AIDS patients (considered to be an AIDS-defining illness)

Multiple organs can be involved

Associated with Human herpes virus type 8 infection and other cofactors

Typically manifests as one of four variants

  • Classic KS – chronic course
  • Endemic (African) KS – chronic course
  • Iatrogenic (organ transplant–related) KS – frequently disseminated or symptomatic
  • Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)–related KS – frequently disseminated or symptomatic


Radiographics. 2006 Jul-Aug;26(4):1169-85.

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