Fat containing masses on mammography: Malignant lesion or benign one?

  • 1) Fat necrosis
    • Lucent mass with dystrophic calcifications
    • Associated with surgery or trauma
    • Follow up in 3-6 months : typically decrease in size
  • 2) Oil cyst
    • An area of focal fat necrosis becomes walled off by fibrous tissue.
  • 3) Galactocele : Fat fluid level on 90′ lateral view
    • M/C benign breast lesions in lactating women
    • Cystic lesion lined by cuboidal epithelium that contains milk
    • More frequently occur after cessation of breast feeding
    • Asymptomatic, palpable lump
    • Galactoceles may be not a/w pregnancy or lactation
    • Imaging finding
      • Mammography
        • depends on the density and viscosity of the fluid (amount of fat, proteinaceous material)
        • Pseudolipoma, Pseudohamartoma
        • Cystic Mass with Fat-Fluid Level : ML view
      • US
        • Cyst, complex cystic, mixed, solid Fat-fluid level, fluid-fluid level
  • 4) Hamartoma
    • Localized overgrowth of fibrous, epithelial, and fatty elements
    • “breast within a breast”
    • BI-RADS C2
    • Adenolipoma, fibroadenolipoma, lipofibroadenoma
    • Middle age, female
    • Painless, palpable mass
    • Imaging finding
      • US
        • Well circumscribed, heterogeneous echogenicity
      • MG
        • Well-circumscribed, surrounded by a pseudocapsule
        • Cut-sausage or slice of salami
  • 5) Lipoma
    • benign overgrowths of adipose tissue
    • BI-RADS 2
    • Imaging finding
      • MG (Classic lipoma) – entirely fat density and has a thin, peripheral water-density capsule or water-density tissue that obscures the capsule

1) Fat necrosis
Left) Acute phase : edema of fat
Middle) Subacute phase : complex solid and cystic
Right) Chronic phase : oil cyst, wall calcification
2) Oil cyst
3-1) Galactocele
3-2) Galactocele : Fat fluid level
4) Hamartoma – Breast within a breast
5) Lipoma, round circumscribed fat density mass, sugical biopsy confirmed to lipoma
6) Intramammary LN
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