Double aortic arch : Severe stridor, worsening with feeding

What is double aortic arch?

Double aortic arch is a common type of complete vascular ring, a congenital anomaly of the aorta and its branches.

In double aortic arch, the aortic arch fails to appropriately remodel during embryology, resulting in an ascending aorta that divides anterior to the trachea and esophagus, with one arch coursing to the left, and the other coursing to the right of those structures.

The arches completely encircle the trachea and esophagus and rejoin posteriorly to form the descending thoracic aorta.

As a double aortic arch surrounds the trachea and esophagus, it exerts a compressive effect.

Pathology of double aortic arch

Frequently associated with tracheobronchial tree (trachomalacia) intrinsic abnormalities

Embryology of double aortic arch

Persistent embryological right and left 4th aortic arches

Pathophysiology of double aortic arch

Severe airway and esophageal compression

Clinical issues of double aortic arch

Severe stridor, worsening with feeding
most common symptomatic vascular ring

Treatment of double aortic arch

Thoracotomy with division of the smaller of the 2 arches


11% of patients required a second operation

In double aortic arch, the aortic arch fails to appropriately remodel during embryology, resulting in an ascending aorta that divides anterior to the trachea and esophagus, with one arch coursing to the left, and the other coursing to the right of those structures.
Magnified radiograph depicting lateral indentation of the tracheal air column (black arrow). This is consistent with tracheal compression by a vascular ring
As a double aortic arch surrounds the trachea and esophagus, it exerts a compressive effect.
Frontal (a) and lateral (b) esophagram barium swallow.
Bilateral impression of the esophagus in the reverse “S” confi guration (white arrow) is apparent on frontal view.
Anterior and posterior compression of the trachea and esophagus is seen on lateral view (white arrows).

Charles S. White, Linda B. Haramati, Joseph Jen-Sho Chen, and Jeffrey M. Levsky (2014), Cardiac Imaging, Oxford university press

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