Cervix cancer staging (FIGO) with MRI photos

Cervix cancer staging

Cervix cancer staging (2018 Revised, FIGO)
Left) FIGO 1B (confined to cervix uteri with measured deepest invasion >5mm)
Right) FIGO 2B (carcinoma beyond uterus, but has not extended onto the lower third of vagina, parametrial invasion)

FIGO IIA : upper 2/3 vaginal invasion without parametrial invasion.

FIGO IIB: parametrial invasion – disruption of low SI ring of cervical stroma on T2WI

FIGO 1B2 cervical cancer (pathologically confirmed : Note that the dark signal cervical stroma is invaded by the mass but not fully distrupted)
Normal anatomy of uterine cervix (MRI, T2 weighted image)
FIGO 2B, dark signal cervical stroma is disrupted by the mass (posterior aspect of cervix)
FIGO 3A, Note the intermediate signal intensity mass involving lower third of vagina (arrow)
Treatment of cervical cancer

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