Bands in the heart : Moderator band

The origin is along the septal band of the crista supraventricularis (the parietal band being the other origin), which together are called the septomarginal trabeculation. Moderator band is an important anatomic landmark that is used to characterize the morphologic RV in congenital heart diseases. It provides support to the anterolateral papillary muscle, guides blood from … Read more

Bands in the heart : Taenia sagittalis

The pattern of Taenia sagittlaisType 1 – Perpendicular to the crista terminalis (m/c, 40%~45% of cases)Type 2 – Parallel to the crista terminalis (18%~20% of cases)Type 3 – Combination of type 1 and 2 (11%~15% of cases)Type 4 – Branching (9%~10%)Type 5 – Interlacing trabeculations (9%~10%)Type 6 – Prominent muscular columns (5%~8%) The pectinate muscles … Read more

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