Cardiac disease approach on chest x-rays

1. Azygos vein
Reflect pressure of right atrium

Orange arrows indicate bulging contour of right lower paratracheal area, suggesting dilated azygos vein

2. Vascular pedicle width
– Reflect total body blood flow
The vascular pedicle width (VPW) is the distance between parallel lines drawn from the point at which the SVC intersects the right main bronchus an a line drawn at the takeoff of the left subclavian artery from the aorta.
– The mean vascular pedicle width is 38-58 mm on posteroanterior chest radiographs.

Left) by Mikael Häggström, M.D.
Right) Vascular pedicle width on chest x-ray

3. Left ventricular enlargement (LVE)
Left lower downward migration of apex (towards below the left side diaphragm)

Orange arrows indicate Left ventricular enlargement

4. Right ventricular enlargement
– left and upward migration of apex

Illustration from radiopaedia
Right) Right atrial enlargement and right ventricular enlargement

5. Left atrial enlargement
– Double contour sign
– Uplifted left main bronchus
– Enlarged left atrial appendage

Illustration from radiopaedia
Left atrial enlargement
Note that contrast reversal makes double contour sign more clear

6. Right atrial enlargement
– Lower margin of right cardiac border is more convex than normal

Right atrial enlargement

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