Carbon monoxide poisoning radiology (Cell death in globus pallidus)

Carbon monoxide poisoning : Anoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, usually with bilateral lesions, caused by inhalation of carbon monoxide (CO) gas

Etiology of CO poisoning

  • Hypoxic theory
    • CO : combine with Hb (affinity about 250time of oxygen)
           → carboxyhaemoglobin(COHb)
           → reduce the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood
  • Cellular theory
    • CO : inhibits the mitochondrial electron transport enzyme system
           → brain lipid peroxidation
           → leading to the delayed effects of CO poisoning
  • Neurons are most vulnerable to hypoxic–ischemic insult (oxygen and glucose demands↑)
               → predominantly involving the gray matter

Key imaging finding of carbon monoxide poisoning

➔Necrosis of the Globus pallidus

  • Most common site of involvement in CO poisoning
  • The damage usually occurs immediately
  • hypotensive effects of CO poisoning in the watershed territory of the arterial supply
  • CO binding to the iron-rich globus pallidus
  • Imaging findings
    • CT : symmetric hypodensity.
    • MRI
      • T1WI : Both hypointensity (likely due to necrosis) and hyperintensity (likely duye to hemorrhage) are reported
      • T2WI : Ischemia/Infarct of globus pallidus
        • Cerebral hemispheric WM : Bilateral confluent hyperintense WM (periventricular/centrum semiovale)Cortical hyperintensity (commonly temporal lobe)Medial temporal lobe hyperintensity (uncommon despite frequent pathologic findings)
      • T1CE(+) : patchy or peripheral enhancement in the necrotic areas
      • DWI and ADC maps : restriction of water diffusivity due to cytotoxic edema from acute tissue necrosis

Carbon monoxide poisoning.
Hypointensity on T1WI, Hyperintensity on T2WI, and Diffusion restriction at bilateral globus pallidi (likely due to cytotoxic edema)

See more about neuroimaging

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