Blount’s disease radiology : Abnormal stress on posteromedial aspect of physis of proximal tibia

  • Abnormal stress on posteromedial aspect of physis of proximal tibia
  • Bowing and shortening of leg, pronated feet, obesity
  • Acute angulation and depression at proximal tibial metaphysis, with lateral widening of growth plate
  • Differential diagnosis
    • Physiologic bowing
      • Neonates and infants normally genu varus
      • Gradual correction: Fully corrected within 6 months of walking or by 18-24 months of age
    • Focal fibrocartilaginous dysplasia
Diagnostic imagine, 3rd, MSK
Blount disease
The medial growth plate is more vertically oriented and irregular than normal, resulting in a beak-like appearance of the proximal tibial metaphysis
beak-like appearance of the proximal tibial metaphysis
MR finding of Blount disease
Acute angulation and depression at proximal tibial metaphysis
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