Paget’s disease of the nipple: A specific type of ductal carcinoma involving epidermal layer of nipple.

A specific type of ductal carcinoma involving epidermal layer of nipple It accounts for 1 to 4% of all breast cancers. Characteristic larger cancer cell in epidermis of nipple Underlying mass or microcalcification can be present (DCIS or IDC ~95%) Early symptoms (Redness, Eczematous appearing changes of the nipple, Itching sense) ➛ Early diagnosis ➛ … Read more

Breast MRI lexicon: BI-RADS 5th

Amount of fibroglandular tissue a) Almost entirely fat b) Scattered fibroglandular tissue c) Heterogeneous fibroglandular tissue d) Extreme fibroglandular tissue Background parenchymal enhancement Evaluate at 90sec to 3min after contrast injection / Elective MRI should be obtained luteal phase(2 weeks, 7-14days) Levels : (A) Minimal, (B) Mild, (C) Moderate, (D) Marked Symmetric or Asymmetric Focus … Read more

Breast ultrasound lexicon: BI-RADS 5th

Homogenous background echotexture – fibroglandular Homogenous background echotexture – fat Heterogenous background echotexture Oval : mass that is elliptical and egg-shaped (may include 2 or 3 undulations, i.e., gently lobulated or macrolobulated) Round : spherical, ball-shaped, circular or globular (AP diameter equal to its transverse diameter/ must be circular in perpendicular projections) Irregular : neither … Read more

What is the diffrenece between two malignancies of stomach ?: Gastric lymphoma versus gastric adenocarcinoma

A 35 year-old male came to E.R due to melena lasting for 3 days Considering the imaging finding of circumferential wall thickening of gastric body with no sign of obstruction The first impression was gastric lymphoma But, If the lesion is lymphoma, the absence of lymphadenopathy is not common. Endoscopic biopsy was done, the pathologic … Read more

Anomalous origin of coronary artery: Uncommon but important anomaly at high risk of sudden cardiac death

I will introduce 2 cases of anomalous origin of coronary artery from opposite or noncoronary sinus Case 1) Male, 62 years old presented with chest pain Case 2) Male, 59 years old follow up coronary CT angio after percutaneous coronary intervention Origin of the coronary artery or branch from opposite or noncoronary sinus and an … Read more

Solid pseudopapillary tumor, F/14, incidental found mass on APCT

Female / 14, Abdominal pain with diarrhea (2DA) Differential diagnosis should include solid pseudopapillary tumor(SPT), pancreatoblastoma, islet cell tumor (insulinoma) Firstly, pancreatoblastoma is frequently occured in boys less than 10 year-old and insulinoma is usually found in head of pancreas and shows vivid enhancement than normal pancreas parenchyma solid pseudopapillary tumor is more likely occurs … Read more

Multiple System Atrophy – Cerebellar type (a.k.a MSA-C)

Male / 65 , Chief complaint : bradykinesia, gait disturbance (onset : 10MA) Multiple system atrophy (MSA) Three clinical subtypes of MSA Most paitents expire in 10 years after diagnosis Reference) J Mov Disord. 2018 Sep; 11(3): 107–120. 2018 Aug 9. doi: 10.14802/jmd.18020 Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2008 Oct-Dec; 11(4): 257–258. doi: 10.4103/0972-2327.44565

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